Day 1 - An Overview of Python, Running Python Scripts, Getting Started, Flow Control, Sequence Data
An Overview of Python
- What is Python?
- Interpreted languages
- Advantages and disadvantages
- Downloading and installing
- Which version of Python
- Where to find documentation
Running Python Scripts
- Structure of a Python script
- Using the interpreter interactively
- Running standalone scripts under Unix and Windows
Getting Started
- Using variables
- String types: normal, raw and Unicode
- String operators and expressions
- Math operators and expressions
- Writing to the screen
- Command line parameters
- Reading from the keyboard
Flow Control
- About flow control
- Indenting is significant
- The if statements
- The elif statements
- while loops
- Using lists
- Using the for statement
- The range() functionm
Sequence Data
- list operations
- list methods
- Strings are special kinds of lists
- tuples
- sets
- Dictionaries
Day 2 - Defining Functions, Working with Files, Dictionaries and Sets, Errors and Exception Handling, Using Modules
Defining Functions
- Syntax of function definition
- Formal parameters
- Global versus local variables
- Passing parameters and returning values
Working with Files
- Text file I/O overview
- Opening a text file
- Reading text files
- Raw (binary) data
- Using the pickle module
- Writing to a text file
- Opening Excel File
- Reading from Excel File
- Writing data into Excel File
Dictionaries and Sets
- Dictionary overview
- Creating dictionaries
- Dictionary functions
- Fetching keys or values
- Testing for existence of elements
- Deleting elements
Errors and Exception Handling
- Dealing with syntax errors
- Exceptions
- Handling exceptions with try/except
- Cleaning up with finally
Using Modules
- What is a module?
- The import statement
- Function aliases
- Packages
- Standard Modules – sys
- Standard Modules – math
- Standard Modules – time
Day 3 - Regular Expressions, Highlights of the Standard Library, Python Classes, Python for Data Analysis - NumPy, Python for Data Analysis – SciPy, Python for Data Analysis - Pandas, Python for Data Visualization
Regular Expressions
- RE Objects and Pattern matching
- Parsing data
- Subexpressions
- Complex substitutions
- RE tips and tricks
Highlights of the Standard Library
- Lights of the Standard Library
- Working with the operating system
- Grabbing web pages
- Sending email
- Using glob for filename wildcards
- Math and random
- Accessing dates and times with datetime
- Working with compressed files
Python Classes
- About o-o programming
- Defining classes
- Constructors
- Instance methods
- Instance data
- Class methods and data
- Destructors
Python for Data Analysis - NumPy
- Introduction
- Ndarray Object
- Data Types
- Array Attributes
- Array Creation Routines
- Array from existing data
- Numerical ranges
- Array Indexing and Slicing
- Advanced Indexing
- Iterating over Array
- Array Manipulation
- Arithmetic Operators
- Binary Operators
- String Functions
- Mathematical Functions
- Statistical Functions
Python for Data Analysis – SciPy
- Introduction
- Basic functions
- Special functions
- Integration
- Optimization
- Interpolation
- Fourier transforms
- Signal Processing
- Linear Algebra
- Sparse Eigenvalue Problems with ARPACK
- Compressed Sparse Graph Routines
- Spatial data structures and algorithms
- Statistics
- Multidimensional image processing
- File IO
Python for Data Analysis - Pandas
- Introduction to Pandas
- Series
- DataFrames
- Missing Data
- Groupby
- Merging Joining and Concatenating
- Operations
- Data Input and Output
Python for Data Visualization
- Matplotlib
- Seaborn
- Distribution Plots
- Categorical Plots
- Matrix Plots
- Grids
- Regression Plots
- Pandas Built-in Data Visualization
- Plotly and Cufflinks
- Geographical Plotting
- Choropleth Maps
Day 4 - Machine Learning Concepts Overview, Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, K Nearest Neighbors, Decision Trees and Random Forests, Support Vector Machines
Machine Learning Concepts Overview
- Introduction to Machine Learning
- Why Machine Learning
- Types of Machine Learning Algorithms
- Supervised Machine Learning Process
- Unsupervised Machine Learning Process
- Evaluating Performance - Classification Error Metrics
- Evaluating Performance - Regression Error Metrics
- Machine Learning with Python
Linear Regression
- Theory
- Model Selection Updates for SciKit Learn 0.18
- Linear Regression with Python
- Linear Regression Project
- Cross Validation and Bias-Variance Trade-Off
- Bias Variance Trade-Off
Logistic Regression
- Theory
- Logistic Regression with Python
- Logistic Regression Project
K Nearest Neighbors
- KNN Theory
- KNN with Python
- KNN Project
Decision Trees and Random Forests
- Introduction to Tree Methods
- Decision Trees and Random Forest with Python
- Decision Trees and Random Forest Project
Support Vector Machines
- SVM Theory
- Support Vector Machines with Python
- SVM Project
Day 5 -K Means Clustering, Principal Component Analysis, Recommender Systems, Natural Language Processing, Neural Nets and Deep Learning,
K Means Clustering
- K Means Algorithm Theory
- K Means with Python
- K Means Project
Principal Component Analysis
- Introduction
- PCA with Python
Recommender Systems
- Introduction
- Recommender Systems with Python - Part 1
- Recommender Systems with Python - Part 2
Natural Language Processing
- Natural Language Processing Theory
- NLP with Python
- NLP Project
Neural Nets and Deep Learning
- Welcome to the Deep Learning Section!
- Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks (ANN)
- Installing TensorFlow
- Perceptron Model
- Neural Networks
- Activation Functions
- Multi-Class Classification Considerations
- Cost Functions and Gradient Descent
- Backpropagation
- TensorFlow vs Keras
- TF Syntax Basics - Part One - Preparing the Data
- TF Syntax Basics - Part Two - Creating and Training the Model
- TF Syntax Basics - Part Three - Model Evaluation
- TF Regression Code Along - Exploratory Data Analysis
- TF Regression Code Along - Exploratory Data Analysis - Continued
- TF Regression Code Along - Data Pre-processing and Creating a Model
- TF Regression Code Along - Model Evaluation and Predictions
- TF Classification Code Along - EDA and Pre-processing
- TF Classification - Dealing with Overfitting and Evaluation
- TensorFlow 2.0 Project Options Overview
- TensorFlow 2.0 Project Notebook Overview
- Keras Project Solutions - Dealing with Missing Data
- Keras Project Solutions - Categorical Data
- Keras Project Solutions - Data Pre-processing
- Keras Project Solutions - Creating and Training a Model
- Keras Project Solutions - Model Evaluation
- TensorBoard