Learn Spring Boot for

Application Development

Acquire in-demand skillsets and use them efficiently
in your application development career using Spring Boot.

5 Days / 40 Hours / 14 Modules
+ 3 month coaching + 1 year eLearning access

Learn Spring Boot
for Application

Start your data science
journey with Python
and power up your
career today!

5 Days / 40 Hours / 14 Modules
+ 3 month coaching + 1 year eLearning access

Learn the fundamentals of Spring Boot and kickstart your career in application development.

This course provides an introduction to Spring Boot. It discusses the features of Spring Boot and how to utilize Spring Boot to rapidly define, configure, and add features to applications using Spring Boot.
Participants will learn how to leverage Spring Boot to ease development and leverage the Spring framework to take the drudgery out of Spring development.
By the end of this course, participants will have gained knowledge and an understanding of Spring Boot and be able to work on their own projects with Spring Boot.
Key Learning Outcomes

Upon completion, participants should be able to demonstrate each of the following outcome:-

  • Gain an understanding of Spring Boot and it's elements
  • Use Spring Boot starters and easily create new applications.
  • Understand and use Spring Boot's auto-configuration.
  • Customize your application configuration.
  • Understand and use Spring Boot's Spring Data / Spring Data JPA capabilities.
  • Be familiar with Spring Boot Data REST.
  • Use Spring Security with Spring Boot.
  • Understand and use Spring Boot's Web capabilities (focusing on Spring REST), including embedded servlet containers
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    Course Modules Covered in the Spring Boot program
    Day 1 - Introduction to Spring Boot (i), Introduction to Spring Boot (ii), Spring MVC

    Introduction to Spring Boot (i)

    1. Introduction to Spring
    2. "HelloWorld" Spring MVC application using Maven
    3. Spring Framework Configuration
    4. Java @Configuration Classes
    5. Defining @Configuration Classes
    6. Loading @Configuration Classes
    7. Modularizing @Configuration Classes
    8. Qualifying @Bean Methods
    9. Trouble with Prototype Scope
    10. Configuration with Spring Expression Language
    11. Resolving Text Messages
    12. Spring Property Conversion
    13. Spring Converter Interface
    14. Using Custom Converters
    15. Spring Property Editors
    16. Registering Custom Property Editors

    Introduction to Spring Boot (ii)

    1. What is Spring Boot?
    2. Spring Boot Main Features
    3. Understanding Java Annotations
    4. Spring MVC Annotations
    5. Example of Spring MVC-based RESTful Web Service
    6. Spring Booting Your RESTful Web Service
    7. Spring Boot Skeletal Application Example
    8. Converting a Spring Boot Application to a WAR File
    9. Externalized Configuration
    10. Starters
    11. The 'pom.xml' File
    12. Spring Boot Maven Plugin
    13. Create a Spring Boot Application

    Spring MVC

    1. Spring MVC
    2. Spring Web Modules
    3. Spring MVC Components
    4. DispatcherServlet
    5. Template Engines
    6. Spring Boot MVC Example
    7. Spring MVC Mapping of Requests
    8. Advanced @Request Mapping
    9. Composed Request Mappings
    10. Spring MVC Annotation Controllers
    11. Controller Handler Method Parameters
    12. Controller Handler Method Return Types
    13. View Resolution
    14. Spring Boot Considerations
    Day 2 - Overview of Spring Boot Database Integration, Using Spring with JPA or Hibernate, WebSockets

    Overview of Spring Boot Database Integration

    1. DAO Support in Spring
    2. Spring Data Access Modules
    3. Spring JDBC Module
    4. Spring ORM Module
    5. DataAccessException
    6. @Repository Annotation
    7. Using DataSources
    8. DAO Templates
    9. DAO Templates and Callbacks
    10. ORM Tool Support in Spring

    Using Spring with JPA or Hibernate

    1. Spring JPA
    2. Benefits of Using Spring with ORM
    3. Spring @Repository
    4. Using JPA with Spring
    5. Configure Spring Boot JPA Entity Manager Factory
    6. Application JPA Code
    7. "Classic" Spring ORM Usage
    8. Spring JpaTemplate
    9. Spring JpaCallback
    10. JpaTemplate Convenience Features
    11. Spring Boot Considerations
    12. Spring Data JPA Repositories


    1. Introduction
    2. HTTP vs WebSocket
    3. When to use it
    4. WebSocket API
    5. WebSocket Handler
    6. WebSocket Handshake
    7. Deployment
    8. Server config
    9. Allowed origins
    10. SocketJS Fallback
    11. Enable SockJS
    12. Client disconnects
    13. SockJS and CORS
    14. SockJSClient
    15. Enable STOMP
    16. Flow of Messages
    17. Handler methods
    18. Send Messages
    19. Simple and External Broker
    20. Connect to Broker
    21. Authentication
    22. Performance
    23. Monitoring
    24. Testing
    Day 3 - Spring REST Services, Spring Micro services

    Spring REST Services

    1. Many Flavors of Services
    2. Understanding REST
    3. RESTful Services
    4. REST Resource Examples
    5. REST vs SOAP
    6. REST Services With Spring MVC
    7. Spring MVC @RequestMapping with REST
    8. Working With the Request Body and Response Body
    9. @RestController Annotation
    10. Implementing JAX-RS Services and Spring
    11. JAX-RS Annotations
    12. Java Clients Using RestTemplate
    13. RestTemplate Methods

    Data distribution

    1. Evaluation of Micro Services
    2. Principles Of Micro Services
    3. Characteristics of Micro Services
    4. Micro services Benefits
    5. Relationship with SOA
    6. Twelve Factor Apps
    7. Micro Services use cases
    8. Micro Services early adopters
    9. Building micro services with boot
    10. Micro Services Capability model
    11. Micro Services Use case
    12. Stateless Microservice with Basic Auth and CORS
    13. Stateful Microservice with Form Auth, CSRF and CORS
    14. Stateful Microservice with SPA Integrated
    Day 4 - Spring Security, Spring JMS

    Spring Security

    1. Securing Web Applications with Spring Security 3.0
    2. Spring Security 3.0
    3. Authentication and Authorization
    4. Programmatic v Declarative Security
    5. Getting Spring Security from Maven
    6. Spring Security Configuration
    7. Spring Security Configuration Example
    8. Authentication Manager
    9. Using Database User Authentication
    10. LDAP Authentication
    11. Security Basics
    12. Storing Passwords
    13. Hashing Passwords (MD5 and SHA256)
    14. Spring Security & JPA
    15. Auto-configuration/simple security
    16. JDBC security
    17. OAuth2 Login Java Config
    18. OAuth2 Client support
    19. OAuth2 Security in a microservice architecture

    Spring JMS

    1. JmsTemplate
    2. Connection and Destination
    3. JmsTemplate Configuration
    4. Transaction Management
    5. Example Transaction Configuration
    6. Producer Example
    7. Consumer Example
    8. Converting Messages
    9. Message Listener Containers
    10. Message-Driven POJO's Async Receiver Example
    11. Message-Driven POJO's Async Receiver Configuration
    12. Spring Boot Considerations
    Day 5 - Spring Boot Actuator, Spring Boot Actuator Health Endpoint, Spring Boot Actuator Metrics, Deployment

    Spring Boot Actuator

    1. What is Spring Boot Actuator?
    2. Spring Boot Actuator Endpoints
    3. Installing Spring Boot Actutator
    4. Default Endpoints
    5. Custom Endpoints
    6. Securing Endpoints
    7. Customizing Endpoint Paths

    Spring Boot Actuator Health Endpoint

    1. Available Auto Configured Health Indicators
    2. Custom Health Indicators
    3. Auto Configured Information Contributors
    4. Custom Application Information
    5. Adding Git Commit Information

    Spring Boot Actuator Metrics

    1. Introduction
    2. System Metrics Overview
    3. System Metrics Demo
    4. Custom Metrics


    1. Continuous Development and Delivery
    2. JAR/WAR
    Our Training Methodology
    Your Instructor
    Thayanithy Jegan
    CTO & Co-Founder of Thulija Technologies,
    Certified Trainer and Consultant

    A seasoned technology professional with over 17 years of industry experience as a software developer, solutions architect and technology consultant for major organizations.
    Thayanithy Jegan has trained executives and developers in companies such as Maxis, IFCA, SWIFT, PSDC, DHL, Standard Chartered, Infineon Technologies, Siemens and Bank Negara to name a few to break into various technology stacks and as well as data science, big data, and artificial intelligence.
    He has led major projects with clients such as Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM), MYCOID, Kementerian Kerja Raya, Ministry of Education (MOE), Universiti Malaya, Perfisio Solutions, Kementerian Perdagangan Antarabangsa dan Industri, amongst others. He has also served as a Consultant for MIMOS Berhad, a Research and Development organisation that functions as an advisor to the Malaysian Government on technologies, policies and strategies relating to IT.
    Program Key Highlights

    40 hours of Remote Online Learning
    80 Additional Self Learning Hours
    12 Live Hands-on Projects
    Certified by International Body
    Mentorship with Industry Experts
    Designed for Beginners & Professionals

    Get Professionally Certified

    Upon successfully completing this program, participants will be awarded the Professional Certification in Python Data Science by International Council for Technology Certifications (ICTC).
    This award is a validation to the efforts taken to master the domain expertise that will set you apart from your competition.
    Be a part of the global network of data science professionals and join the community across sectors.
    Get in Touch With Us Today!

    This training program is suitable for anyone who intends to enter into the field of Software Development. This program is being conducted in Malaysia and can be joined by anyone, anywhere in the world remotely.
    Program Fee


    One-time fee. One year access to course materials.

    Please fill in the form and a Program Advisor will reach out to you. You can also reach out to us at info@thulija.com or +60123661502
    Contact us on Whatsapp for more enquiries